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open quotation mark..the environment cannot be viewed as merely a permissive or triggering factor in development; rather, it is a critical feature of developmental biology.

In 'higher' animals, such as humans, ontogeny can be understood as being made up of three, broad chronological phases: conception to puberty; puberty to maturity; and maturity to death. During the first phase, by developing awareness through practice and relationships the senses and the elementary skills of their application are acquired. Later developments then build recursively on these early acquisitions.

open quotation mark..what offspring inherit from parents is not simply genes, but a structured developmental system. This developmental system provides sources of both stability and variability, and the structure and interactions among components of an organism's developmental system are as causally informative to the development and transmission of phenotypic traits as are the strands of DNA contained within this system.

The sense we associate with the most is perhaps that of sight —feeling that we look out through our eyes. Yet nature only delivers its functional, cellular infrastructure, sight itself is constructed through nurture, from the experience of shade and colour, delivered through the environmental feedback mechanisms of early ontogenetic learning, a form of learning rooted deep in the early evolution of multicellular beings from the time that land plants first emerged.

open quotation markTraditionally it has been assumed that fish orientation and migration were to a large extent hard-wired. But .. many fish species possess spatial as well as temporal memory and exert a behavioral flexibility reflecting their ability to learn during ontogeny . .. if we suppose that the cognitive capacities of modern fish species have not changed too much since ray-finned fish appeared, then advanced learning skills have been a part of life on Earth for more than 400 million years.


see for instance:— Evolutionary transitions in individuality. [Maynard Smith, Szathmary], Social evolution. [Hamilton], Eusociality. [E.O.Wilson])

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Lickliter and Honeycutt, in Developmental Dynamics: Toward a Biologically Plausible Evolutionary Psychology, 2003, p.826, Psychological Bulletin, American Psychological Association, Vol. 129, No. 6, pp.819-835.

Lickliter and Honeycutt, in Developmental Dynamics: Toward a Biologically Plausible Evolutionary Psychology, 2003, p.828, Psychological Bulletin, American Psychological Association, Vol. 129, No. 6, pp.819-835.

Citing:— Griffiths, P. E., & Gray, R. D. (1994). Developmental systems and evolutionary explanation. Journal of Philosophy, 91, 277-304; Johnston, T. D. (1987). The persistence of dichotomies in the study of behavioral development. Developmental Review, 7, 149-182; Oyama, S. (1985). The ontogeny of information. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. Oyama, S. (2000). Evolution's eye. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Richardson, K. (1998). The origins of human potential: Evolution, development and psychology. London: Routledge. West, M. J., & King, A. P. (1987). Settling nature and nurture into an ontogenetic niche. Developmental Psychobiology, 20, 549-562..

'The Great Chain of Semiosis. Investigating the Steps in the Evolution of Semiotic Competence.' by Jesper Hoffmeyer and Frederik Stjernfelt (2015), Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht; citing Odling-Smee, L., & Braithwaite, V. (2003) 'The role of learning in fish orientation.' Fish and Fisheries, 4, 235-246.

We recognize what we see, this is our perception, inherited then learnt from experience. We see what we expect to see, accordingly constructing and integrating the data that our eyes, and other senses are capable of recording.

Beings, here includes those that are unicellular (e.g. bacteria, archaea, and some algae); and those that are both unicellular and multicellular (e.g. slime molds) as well as those that are multicellular and, therefore, societies —cellular metasystems (e.g. humans, ants, jellyfish).

Bioemiosis proceeds through recognition — through current sense-data that a being perceives then being recognized by it; as being the same as, or belonging to the same class as, something the being has sensed or perceived before. This then is a recursive process, its first iteration (or 'base case') generating meaning by matching current sense-data and perceptions to those that have previously been recognized, recorded, embodied, and inherited.

Here embodiment refers to the biophysical expression of semiosis and to the semiosis that biophysical expression represents; and embodied cognition is then simply a description of biosemiosis.

NB. The definitions used here may vary considerably, both in degree and specificity, to those used elsewhere; nonetheless, they also overlap with them considerably.

The prefix "meta-" is used here as it is in the term "metalanguage" — a system of symbols or signs used to describe another system of symbol or signs — to refer to the metasemiotic expression of biosemiosis.


19 Nov. 2024, edit 22 Nov. 2024.

If it is accepted as unavoidabe that descriptions of the ineffable are metaphorical, and creationist teleologies are set-aside, unencumbered by anthropocentric concepts of the soul BEINGS can then be defined simply as 'vehicles' of life; life can be inferred recursively from BEING, and BIOPHYSICAL defined as referring to its actuality.

BEINGS are BIOPHYSICAL realities. Their abstract characteristics, which, particularly in humans, are referred to as awareness, consciousness, ego, mind, etc., are EXPRESSIONS, in much the same way as perceptual attributes of NOUMENA, such as colour, are — colour relating to both inanimate and animate NOUMENA, consciousness only to animate NOUMENA.

Wellness and illness are PSYCHOSOMATIC, existing in a 'space' that is both BIOPHYSICAL and PSYCHOLOGICAL. Their development is therefore a function of BIOPHYSICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, and environmental factors. These are impacted upon by medical, psychological and social care and support. Although research unequivocally substantiates this it appears still to be inimicable to modern social organization.

© robin greaves, 2018-2024.
quoteleftI'd like people to reconceptualize cancer as a biological event that triggers stress responses affecting how the disease progresses... Managing those stress responses by adopting healthy eating and exercise habits, getting a good night's sleep, and finding good emotional and social support, should be regarded as much a part of cancer treatment as chemotherapy or radiation.
David Spiegel, MD, Stanford University Medical Center. Stanford research builds link between sleep, cancer progression, Stanford Medicine News Center, 2003.

© robin greaves, 2018-2024.

Life is the condition of being. Being is the condition of BEINGS An ancestor of a BEING is a BEING A descendant of a BEING is a BEING I am a BEING.

© robin greaves, 2018-2024.

It is as correct or incorrect to say that hormones create love as it is to say that love creates hormones. Love is not definable in the way that hormones are; they exist in different frames of reference.

Noumenon, is a Greek word meaning "that which is perceived". It is used here in that simple sense. Although Kant was the first person to use the term as a loanword, it is not used here to refer to his philosophy generally.

Kant adopted the Greek word, noumenon, to refer to the thing-in-itself so that this underlying reality might more readily be distinguished in discussion from the recognition by an observer of it that then renders it as a sign. However, whereas Kant referred to this recognition as perception — and to the perception of the thing-in-itself as a phenomenon — here the term perception is used simply to refer to a specific step in the process of biosemiosis.

A language is a system of arbitrary signals used to communicate information. To communicate, is to convey information through a system of arbitrary signals. Semantic means of or relating to meaning. Meaning refers to the sense or reference of an expression. To recognize, is to know something as the same as, or belonging to the same class as, something known before.

The definitions above, apart from those for meaning and recognize which are after those in the Collins English Dictionary, are after those in the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language.

quoteleftHydrozoa show great diversity of lifestyle; some species maintain the polyp form for their entire life and do not form medusae at all Polyps of some species propagate vegetatively, forming colonies.. polymorphism occurs in colonies of some species of hydrozoans and anthozoans, the polyps being specialized for functions such as feeding, defense, and sexual reproduction.

Ruppert, Edward E.; Fox, Richard, S.; Barnes, Robert D. (2004). Invertebrate Zoology, 7th edition. Cengage Learning. pp. 148-174; cited in Jellyfish, Taxonomy (list item: Staurozoa), Wikipedia..

Fautin, Daphne G. and Sandra L. Romano. 1997. Cnidaria. Sea anemones, corals, jellyfish, sea pens, hydra. Version 24 April 1997. in The Tree of Life Web Project,

Anthropocentrism is narcissistic, the belief that the human species is the central fact and final aim of a universe that should therefore be understood in terms of human experience, needs, and values.

Ribeiroia in herons, fungi on beetles, or the staph in our guts, win minds and hearts over to serve other gods. Shut outside our doors of reason, flocking crows and horses, otters, gorillas, chimps and geese, play follow the leader. What makes us special. Or more so than dogs.


open quotation markThe whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking.    Albert Einstein.

Science is an elementary practice. Scientism is a belief. Eugenics and the Holocaust are among the brutal consequences and stark reminders of not recognizing this distinction..

from: Physics and Reality, published in the Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol. 221, Issue 3, March 1936, pp. 349-382.

from: "The Great Chain of Semiosis, Investigating the Steps in the Evolution of Semiotic Competence." p.8, Jesper Hoffmeyer & Frederik Stjernfelt, September 2015, Biosemiotics 9(1) DOI:10.1007/s12304-015-9247-y (Emphasis added).


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