
called from: #B8.


The success of locusts results in them breeding exponentially. As their numbers grow, competition for food intensifies and increasingly they are pressed against one another until no personal space is left. Then they morph from green grasshoppers into ruddy carnivores, becoming cannibals, locked together in a warring sea of jaws and limbs. The weaker locusts, trying to escape begin the swarm, providing an aerial string of meals that guide stronger, faster locusts to fresh pasture.

Blooming locusts die in swarms. They have been free, in their way, to choose over time to behave as they do, and over generations their choices have proved to be successful. Now, their inability to control themselves peacefully endures, evolved as an inherited behaviour.

The number of possible strategies for survival appears to be unlimited. beings make their choices freely, more or less, with ignorance no defence against the consequences of these. There is no reset button.

Because if we don't hear what we're saying, we don't do as we choose.


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