
distal clothing


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Because of Newton, cause and effect are misunderstood - being an alchemist himself perhaps he would have enjoyed the irony, especially as he didn't speak of them.

What may be said of cause and effect is that every cause has many effects; that every effect has many causes; that everything is at once both a cause and an effect; and that both causes and effects are, to all intents and purposes, always almost infinite.

Black and white models are attractive. Believing science mandates a simple cause to blame or praise spurs the endless demand that it be found; better, and more accurate to accept every event is contributory.

In respect of any event we choose to observe, others are distal or proximal; both measures defined multidimensionally, for instance in time as well as in space. There are therefore many theories, for instance, for the emergence and development of clothing; more appropriately, for a universe of contributory events, and simpler, to begin axiomatically.

Society is a primal behaviour. Grooming evolved as a social behaviour. And the less hairy a fellow is the easier it is to groom them. It takes less time, releasing this to be invested otherwise, and for the groomer represents a reduction in the cost of the social transaction, and in gaining the benefits of that. Consequently hair-lessness is more attractive than hair-fullness, where there is no counterbalancing benefit involved.

Parasitic social behaviour is also primal - it may even lie at the origin of the eukaryote domain. Elementary clothing that covered the loins - rather than those parts of the body now considered to be sexual - reduces the availabilty of those parts, for instance to flying insects or snakes - something achieved in other species by tails, and by retraction - a benefit if not simply for health then for comfort and well-being generally.

In tropical and warm climates, with the development of simple shelters, for social groomers, fur, or hair-fullness, loses much of its benefit, and a dynamic imbalance between hair-fullness and hair-lessness is created that reflexively then impacts on the 'fitness' of mates.

Sexual attraction — the psycho-physiological component of the evolutionary requirement to locate a breeding partner — has arisen to drive the selection of a potentially successful mate. Prerequisites for such a mate are that they be sexually mature and otherwise physically fit, as reproductive failure is guaranteed in the absence of the former and threatened by any absence of the latter. Combined, the simple bell-curve of attractiveness the two generate is extended by child-bearing experience and then by various 'technologies', such as clothing.

Newton's cause and effect

written: 8 May 2024.

Newton's well-known 'third law of thermodynamics' doesn't actually speak of cause and effect but of forces in an ideal system consisting of two objects, [A] and [B}. In this, if [A] exerts a force on [B} then at the same time [B] will exert an equal and opposite force on [A]. It suggests, like karma, that all is fair, and works out in the end, as reality is just a very complicated version of an ideal system, one in which everything is acting and reacting in some manner or another to pretty much everything else.

The interactions of astronomical objects, such as planets, which is the subject of celestial mechanics, is a good example of such an ideal system if super massive black holes, gravity waves and the like were set aside; however, if we do not do this then even rocket science appears simple by comparison. And if we substitute the objects and forces in an ideal system, for beings and their behaviour, particularly the behaviour of human beings, we find that we must deal with systems that are far from from ideal.


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